Sunday, January 1, 2012

Not-so to do list

Weeks ago I posted a "To Do List" before the year ended. It's more of a "to have" and/or "to experience" list. Some of it was accomplished prematurely to that post. But most of it happened after the post was made. Sadly, 2 out of 7 weren't made possible because of "unwanted circumstances" that I don't want to talk about.

Here's the picture of the things I successfully did, acquired and experienced:

The not so red hoodie. :))

Thanks to my former schoolmate Robert Estanislao, who was nice enough to "give" me this red hoodie. :))

Sound of Music play

A view of the chocolate hills and a picture of a TARSIER

I just got back from a very stressful trip from Camiguin-Bohol. I will try to write a separate post for that trip if time permits me to do so. :)

A picture of the main building-Disney castle style which I posted here.

And of course, to complete the not so succesful list for the year 2011, a picture under the Christmas tree. :))

It's not really "under" the tree. But more like in front of it. Haha! :)) Thanks to the Eustaquio's Christmas Tree for making this possible.

And as for the Buffet 101 dinner and the new pair of Sanuk, I still have 2012 to make this possible. :)

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