Monday, December 12, 2011

Just when I thought that the world has walked out on me. There's always that one person, who will always believe in me. And it is not you. You're nothing but a lying bastard and you don't deserve any of my affection nor attention.

Bitterness aside, I am just happy because I don't have to deal with this shitty scare at all. I mean, I'm free from everything that might concern you in the first place.

I promised myself, that one day, the whining will stop and the pain will end. One day, I'll get tired of blaming myself and asking, what did I do wrong because HE was right, WALA NAMAN SA AKIN ANG MALI.

So today, the crying stops....

The hurting ends......

And today, LOVE BEGINS.

Because starting today, I WILL BE HAPPY. <3

P.S. Forgive me for being a little vain with this post. :))

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